Oops, Chinese New Year is just around the corner.
Happy Chinese New Year to u all in advanced!=D
But,Imma have a lots of things havent complete.
Imma going MAD. @@
The most big task is ROLL CALL!!!
Travic and I start lost direction and don't know how to make it well.
It is kinda fed up!
We don't know how to make it with Ohm one.
We are not satisfied to the things we come out.
We feel that we can do better, but we don't know which one is better.
We don't know what to do to make it better!
Why ideas always come so slow?!
We know our position and the role.
We know it is important to bring out the spirit!
We want to create a good memories among us and to all the delegates.
We want our LC can be the best!
Now, we just feel fed up!
What to do?
Everything seems like not easy !=(
God ,
Please bless us so that we can come out with the good idea.
Seriously, we need idea!
Please don't feel shy ,please come out!
I still believe we are able to finish this task!
Gah yao ar,snoopy and travic!=D
Take a deep breath!!!!
Continue fight!